Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My "Still" lunch date with God

A cool clear beautiful day!  Not a cloud in the sky, just the bright shining sun.  Lord how I love to sit out here soaking up the sun, listening to the birds sing and kids playing in the distance.  Leaves dancing across the pavement with the wind.  The sound of trains, planes and cars in the back ground.  I wonder Lord how many of them traveling know You?  How many of us miss these moments? 

Moments to sit and be still and take in your glory.  As I sit her I am enjoying the peace.  The peace of not being rushed.  The peace of taking in the beauty of Your creation.  The shades of green in the trees, bushes and grass.  The beautiful song of many different kinds of birds singing at the same time, each their own unique call coming together as one.  I look up and see two black birds on the electric pole.  Their feathers shining a beautiful shine in the sunlight.  Now the wind is picking up and I feel the breeze on my face.  My hair being tussled about.  The sound of the leaves in the trees and bushes being to make their own song.  I look up and I see the American flag flying in the wind.  A sense of pride wells up and I think of how blessed am I that I can sit still in the chaos of a work day at lunch read my bible, pray to my God and rejoice openly in Your beauty. 

Oh Lord, I praise your name.  Lord I pray you would lean your ear and be attentive to your humble servant as I say thank you.  All praise, glory and honor are yours and yours alone!

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