Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Changing my thinking!

Well I have started reading Joyce Meyer's new book "Power Thoughts".  I'm only on Chapter 2 but it just seems to make sense.  I have also been watching her show in the mornings while getting ready for work. Again, she just makes sense. Sometimes when she says stuff I just think to myself....."well duh!"  I guess it just takes hearing the words from someone else to remind us that our thoughts effect every part of our lives. If you think negative thoughts then you bring negativity into your life.  You crack open the door for Satan to sneak in and feed us his lies. 

One of the biggest lies that Satan is constantly putting in our lives is that of not being good enough, not being beautiful enough.  I've read a few devotions lately that talked about our self esteem and that of our children, especially the girls in our lives.  I have been more conscience lately of things I say about myself, not just for me but for my daughter.  How can I tell her that she is beautiful and perfectly made by God and God never makes mistakes. But then I turn around and make a negative comment about my appearance, what a mixed message for my daughter to see!  So I have been not only trying not to be negative about myself for my daughter but also to remind myself that God never makes mistakes and I am "fearfully and wonderfully made....wonderful are His works".  I'm not trying to lose weight anymore, I'm trying to be healthy.  I don't wear make-up to try to hide anything but because I like it. I don't color my hair because I am embarrassed of the grays but because I love my hair black. I remind myself when I am nervous about singing, that it is a gift from God that is to be shared and He will shine through!  When I make a mistake, God will be there with open arms offering unconditional love, grace and forgiveness.  It is a cycle that our world and Satan has spun us in..generation after generation.  Today, I choose to try and break the cycle.  I want my daughter to grow up and know she is an amazingly beautiful creation of God and to hold on to the verse Daniel 10:11 "you are very precious to God".  We are all precious to God. He longs to spend time with us and show us His love, we just have to "Be Still".   

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